Sunday, October 16, 2011


Phenomenal performance of the Byrds classic, Mr. Spaceman. What an inspired pairing. Filmed in 1996, we see Roger McGuinn joyfully backed by Wilco. Note the two tasteful, face-melters that the late Jay Bennett peels off with ease.

This quick post hints at two write-ups that will be coming soon. I have been listening to Wilco's latest (The Whole Love) quite a bit and the long delayed review is on the way. McGuinn? One of the most underrated musicians on the planet.

1 comment:

  1. that image reminds me a bit of the album cover for Supertramp's 2nd album, Indelibly Stamped. The cover art of that album was the best part as Supertramp's music left a bit to be desired at that point. They didn't really hit their stride until after they split up and re-grouped for Crime of the Century.
